Saturday, May 30, 2015


Today we want to share a new entry with you.

On this new post we are going to talk about the conclusion fo our Oral History Project. 

So finally, after to compare all of these, we have obtained some conclusion of our project. We have found some differences between the primary education that one woman have experienced in a small village and another have received in a big city.

The relationship between teachers and students:
                - In the city was more authoritarian
                - In the village was warmer and closer

The methodology was completely different:
                - In the city was all about books, notebooks…
                - In the village was just one encyclopedia and more practical

There’s a huge difference between schools:
                - In the city there was a building with small several classes

                - In the village there was just a big classroom 

Best regards. 

What two women said about their experience at primery school during 50's and 60's

This essay analyzes the main contents of the interview and how was the narrator’s experience at school in 50’s and 60’s. Firstly, they have talked about school and its structure. Secondly, about the methodology they used and how they worked at school. Finally, they have explained the relationship between students and the teacher.
We have found interesting to ask them how was the school structure and also the classes they went. So, Maria Paz told us that her primary school had different classes where boys and girls were together. Surprisingly, Mary Paz’s school had not had playground so they passed their breaks at the street under a teacher’s watch. On the other hand, Isabel told us that in her village the school was not a school itself it was only a class where there were only girls because the boy’s school was in another place on the village.
The methodology they used at school was through books. Meanwhile, Maria Paz said that they had their own book and paper sheets to work on them, Isabel said that they had only an encyclopedia for the class. Moreover, Maria Paz told us that her classes were more theoretical and Isabel told us that her classes were theoretical too and also practical because for example, when they had to study Geography they went out of the class to see the river and the mountain near the village.

It is important to take an overview of how was the relationship between the students and their teachers. About this and comparing their experiences we have found an interesting and a big difference. In one hand, Maria Paz said that students did not have relationship with their teachers because teachers were more authoritarian and distant. On the other hand, Isabel said that she had a good memory about her teachers because teachers were so warm and close with their students.

Before concluding this essay, we want to highlight some interesting anecdotes about their school’s experience. In case of Maria Paz, she said “At the beginning I like going to school but when they started to send homework I didn’t like it so much…” (2015).  In case of Isabel, she said “Every morning we have to sing the National Anthem in front of the Franco and Primo de Rivera’s photos and then we said… ¡Viva España!” (2015). The first anecdote was common for us, because these days kids do not like doing homeworks either. But at the same time, the second one was kind of shocking. Because we never have to do that, singing the National Athem. Nowadays nobody does, so it was so weird for us to hear it. 

Finally, to conclude we have observed a lot of differences about the primary education between a woman who studied in the city and another one who studied in a village. However, both of them think that the education in the city is better than in the village.

Methodology Review

When conducting any form of social research, it is important to take moment to evaluate the methodology employed in the light of the results obtained.
In our group, we have discussed the strong and weak points of our methodological design, using the following points:
  •      Topic and narrators:

Our topic has been interesting for us and it has facilitated our work and our research. The narrators have been picked because of our topic and they have provided us a lot of useful information about it. We have to say that we have changed one narrator in order to make it better.
We think that in this point we have not had any suggestion of improvement.

  •      Preparing for the interview:

Before preparing our interview, we have made a list of topics and then we have also established the questions. We think that we should have made the background before the interview; however it has not supposed any problem in our project.
According to the background, it has been chosen according to our topic and also we have elaborated it through choosing specific ideas from different sources (such as magazines, newspaper and periodicals libraries…) about it.

  •       Interviewing and transcribing:

Our interview was long enough to answer the necessary questions. Narrators let us to record the interview effectively. They were relatives, so it was easy for doing the interview; they weren’t embarrass so they told us and gave us lots of necessary information, photos… for our project. The external conditions for the interview were appropriate; however, one of the group member lost a day at the University for doing the interview.

  •      Group dynamics and publication:

Every member of the group has worked according to their task (one works on the blog structure, other did the project presentation, the interviews…). We have to say that the project is taking us a lot of time doing it, because we want to share a lot of information and reduce to talk about the mainly points was difficult.

  •      Other points:

Besides the above points, other things we should improve in order to work more effectively and obtain more valid research results through for example structuring the time better and trying don’t be in a rush.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Additional Information.

Welcome to our blog again!

Here we are once again.

Today we decided to do another entry, this one is about the additional information that we want to share with you because we think is interesting to do so.

There are some photos of typical material and stuff that our interviewee told us that they used to use during their scholar period, and also gave us the name of those materials that we would like to share with you today. 


The lunch box and a game that they used, this is a box with numbers and letters. 

These are some of the notebooks that they used to use. And the middle photo is the "Marks paper"

This photo show the way the kids were punished this decade. One of the is wearing "donkey ears" and the other one is doing some copies on the blackboard. 

This are some material that they used in maths class. The first one is a compass and the sencond picture are some geometrical figures. 

This is the encyclopedia that was the book they used to learn

The crucifix was in every class. The globe, and this map to learn more about Spain and their food. 

This are some crayons, chalks and the pencil case.

And finally this is the abacus. 

Secondly, we also want to share an extra video that we found on the internet about other experiences that other women have told, and that video is on the internet. So we thought it would be an amazing extra material or information to share.

We hope you like it.

About the interview and narrators.

Welcome to our blog again!

Here we are once more.

Today we decided to do another entry; this one is about the finding and the answers our narrators gave us during this Oral History Project. 

We are going to share with you some audios answering to 2 questions that we have focused on.

Also we will give you a summary from the rest of the interview.

In one hand, Mari Paz told us that:
  • She went to the primary schools from 5 to 10 years old.
  • About these primary schools she attended in Madrid, she told us that her classes were few and small; where there were both boys and girls and all of them wore uniform.

Classes had around 10 desks (pupils sat in pairs), a blackboard and the teacher’s table.
Schools didn’t have playground and they passed their brakes in the street under a teacher’s watch.
We would like to share an interesting anecdote; she said “I like school but not doing homework".

After the primary school she continued her studies but she didn’t go to the University because she wanted to work. So, she did some shorthand and typing courses and she also studied French and English. All of this with the aim of working as “Administrativo”.

On the other hand, Isabel told us that:
  • She went to primary school from 6 to 14 years old in Galicia; she finished school at 14 years because when the students had this age the school is over for them.
  • About the school she attended in Tuxe, she told us that the school was only a big class where all the ages were together and the school was only for girls and in the class was from 20 to 30 girls.  The class had desks (small and big) with an inkwell, a blackboard where they have to copy from.
She told us an interesting anecdote “every morning we had to say “Viva España” and sang the national anthem in front of the photo of “Francisco Franco” and “Primo de Rivera”.

After the primary education she continued studied two years at a teacher’s house because her parents paid for her and her brother Luis to take them.

When she was 16 years old she moved to France with her aunts and there she studied French in a school and took care of an American child.

When she was 18 years old she moved with her aunts to Madrid to study hairdressing.  

Now we want to share with you some audios of these interviews that have been interesting to compare in our project:

  •  The first audio is about the characteristics of their teachers and it’s also about the relationship among them


  • The last one is about how they worked; and the methodology they used at school.

We have asked our narrators a final question: Where you would like to have received the education in a small village or in the city? So, they answered this:
  • Isabel said that she would like to have received the education in the city; and Maria Paz the same, too.

We hope you find it interesting. 

Best regards. 

Friday, May 22, 2015


Welcome again to our blog.

Few days ago we had to present our Oral History Project to our class. So, because of that, we have decied to upload it here, to our blog. No you are able to see a little summary about it.

We leave you here our "Power Point Presentation" that we did for our Social Science class.

So here it is.

Hope you like it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The interview.

Hello everybody and welcome againg to our blog.

On today's entry we bring you both interviews, the first one we leave you is María Paz.

What an interesting interview!! Now it's time for Isabel's.

We hope you liked it as much as we did.

Thank you so much.

Objectives of this topic.

Welcome back to our blog. 
You know that behind every project are some reasons because of that you are doing it. Well we call that objectives. 
We are working with two differents types of objectives, the first ones are the general objectives, with these objectives we want to establish some point to base our topic
  • To know about the primary education in the 50’s and 60’s
  • To know the differences between primary education in the city and in a small village
  • To know about the differences between two women education
And now the specific objectives:

  • To fix the differences between a school in the city and a school in a village in this moment
  • To show the different educative methodologies that are used in the village and in the city during this period
  • To establish the characteristics of a traditional teacher
  • To know about the subjects they studied at school in the 50’s and 60’s
Thank you so much. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The background.

Welcome to our blog. 

Today's entry is about the background of Spain in the 50's and the 60's. 
We talk about the economics, the society and mostly about the education. 

We hope you found it interesting, so here it is:

Spain in the 50’s and the 60’s

On the 50’s and the 60’s in Spain was the dictatorship called Francoism. That corresponds with Francisco Franco in the Government, he was also called “El caudillo de la Jefatura Del Estado”. This period is between the ends of the Spanish Civil War, in 1939, until his dead in 1975.

In the 50’s, when the Cold War was happening, because of the geographical position of Spain and its military dictatorship became a strategic country for the United States and its allies against the USSR.

In the 60’s, the economic development improved in a good way, but unequal, the level of life of the majority of the population formed a “middle class” that before was nonexistent. The personal and political freedom level did not rise as much as the economical. The opposite mobilizations started against the dictatorship by workers and students. 

The economic development

In the 50’s, the Spanish economic situation started to improve because of United States of America and its new economical politics. United States supported Spain with money and bank credits because of the Cold War. Some of the symptoms of this improvement was the end of fractionating the food, and the fact that the average of the income was higher than the one that they had in the beginning of the war.

Franco with this situation created a new government. They establish and elaborated a brand new and planned economical politics in 1959, which showed some positive sights soon.
In the 60’s this favorable situation helped the growth of the Spanish factories and services. The foreign investors came attracted by the low working costs. The development and the massive exodus ended with the strike.

The exodus was unleashed from the rural parts of the country to the industrials ones, and to another countries in Europe.

The economy kept growing, but the plan did not work and the imbalance grew between regions.

The society and the social changes

In the 60’s the social change was significant because of:
  • The rural exodus to the cities and Western Europe. More than 1 million people moved to France, Germany, Switzerland, etc.
  • This exodus brought positives consequences, but also the difference wealth between some regions in Spain.
  • The increase of population. The mortality rate got lower, while the birth rate got higher.

Also the increased of the health benefits and pension systems. The housing deficit was reduced because of the construction campaigns.

The economic development favored the creation of the consumer society in Spain. In the late 60’s, 2 out of 3 houses had TV and 1 out of 4 had a car. The consumer society favored mobility and also the access to the mass media. This brought a new mentality with three interrelated consequences:
  • The loss of the influence in the catholic doctrine in the society.
  • New habits in the social and sexual relationship.
  • Influence of new trends and traditions from another country.

The education in the 50’s and the 60’s

During the 50’s and the 60’s in Spain the education was regulated by “Moyano Law” published in 1857, this document was written by the Minister of public works named Manuel Alfonso Martinez, and promoted by Claudio Moyano, that is the way of its name. This document left a mark in the historical started for education.

This law, has been the longer one to be valid, for 100 years.

With this law the government tried to improve the bad condition of education in Spain. One of the European countries with a higher illiteracy rate on this decade. So they tried to organize three levels of education.

  • Primary education: compulsory from 6 to 9 years - old and free for those who could not paid for it.
  • Secondary education: the opening of new high schools in every capital of the state. It’s fully allowed in religious schools.
  • High education: in university, the economical management by the government.

The “Moyano Law” was valid until 1970, when the government published the new education law, called “Ley General de Educación”.

In 1945, a new primary education law was published. The most important thing about this law is the fact that in the middle of a post - war period the compulsory years in primary education changed from 6 until 12 years - old, enlarging 2 years this primary education. The rest of the law is the same as the “Moyano Law”, there was no modification, and the organization of education was the same.

During the Francoism an educational book was written, this book was called “The White Book of Education” that was elaborated by the government.

Some of the topics, which this book talk about, are:
  •  At the end of the 50’s and the beginning of the 60’s the 17% of the adult population was illiterate, mostly women.
  • The progress of the educational system depends mostly on the social class and the rural or city region. For example:

o   To university was only for the high class family kids, and in a fewer cases, the working class kids.
o   The 100% of the kids from a working class, in a village, that started the primary education, only 4.2% did the secondary education, and only 0.2% went to the university.
o   The 100% of the kids from a middle class, in the city, that started the primary education, only 49.9% did the secondary education, and only 6% went to the university.
o   The 100% of the kids from a high class, in the city, that started the primary education, 71.9% did the secondary education, and the 14.2% went to the university.
  • The public education had a lower power in the secondary education, because only 21.5% of the population was studying. The rest of that percentage was studying in private schools, normally religious ones, or on their own.
  • They big inequality with the family incomes and opportunities affected in the education, for example Madrid was one of the richest and Galicia was one of the poorest.

We also would like to leave you a video which talks about this book "The White Book of Education" and what is behind it. 

Thank you so much for your attention,

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The topic & The Interview.

Hello everyone.

On this new post we would like to talk about the questions we want to ask during our interview. For that we have chosen a topic, which is Primary Education in the 50’s and 60’s. 

To know what questions we are going to ask, we decided to do a "topic list" to help us to guide us to write the questions. 

That list is next one:

·         Personal life:
·         Place and date of birth
·         Family
·         Lifestyle
·         School (start and end of studies):
·         Primary Education:
·         Type of school
·         School structure
·         Teachers (characteristics, relationship)
·         Punishments
·         School methodology (how teachers taught)
·         Subjects
·         Educative price
·         After the studies
·         Education in a small village or in the city

According to these topics, we have designed the next questions that we are going to follow to interview our narrators:
Good morning, we are students of the 2nd Childhood Education degree of CES Don Bosco University. We are carrying out a project for the subject of Social Sciences. It is about the differences between the primary woman education in a small village and in the city, during the 50’s and 60’s.
First of all, thank for your time and your help for this project; we are going to start:

  1. What is your name?
  2. What is your place and date of birth?
  3. Could you talk a little bit about your family?
  4. How was your lifestyle; your day-to-day?
  5. When did you begin the school?
  6. What schools did you attend in your primary stage? (In case they have attended more than one school) Why did you change from one school to another?
  7.  What did you do when you didn’t go to school?
  8. Did you like going to school?
  9. How was your primary school? And how were its classes?
  10. How many children went to your class more or less?
  11. How were your teachers? How was your relationship with them?
  12. How were the punishments? Have they used to punish you?
  13.  How did teachers work at school; which methodology they used?
  14. Did teachers set you homework?
  15. What subjects did you study in that moment? Which was your favourite? Why?
  16.  I don’t know if you can remember it but… How much the education did cost in that moment more or less?
  17.  When did you finish the Primary Education? And when did your finish your scholar studies? Why did you finish them with this age?
  18.  What did you do after your studies? Why?
  19. Would you like to receive the education in a small village/ in a big city?

Ok, we have just finished. Thanks so much for your attention and your time again. Good-bye.

These was our questions, we hope you found them as much interesting as we do.

See you in another post.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Introducing our narrators.


On this post we are going to introduce you our narrator for this projetc. 

We have chosen these narrators because we thought they can be very useful for our study.
We mean that they can help us to understand the context during the 50’s and 60’s. 

They also can provide us lot of information about the education, in a small village and in the city, during that period such as how was the school, how was the relationship with their teachers, or the methodology they used. 

All of these because they have lived in this society they have experienced the education in this moment.

So here they are:

Maria Paz, was born in Madrid, on November the 13th of 1959. Now she is 55 years – old, married and with a daughter.

She is from a middle class family, lived in a working class neighborhood, in Madrid. Maria Paz is the oldest of three; her parents had the elementary education. Her father worked driving ambulances and her mother was a housewife.

Regarding the education she had; we can share that she went to school from 5 to 18 year – old. Some of the schools she went are “ Colegio Vilaflor”, “ Colegio Santa Cruz”, etc.

She always had in mind that she did not wanted to do a university degree, but in case she would have done one, it would be English Philology.

She studied shorthand, typing and French during the BUP studies and English once she finished the COU studies, in an academy because she wanted to prepare as an “Administrativo”.

When she was 20 year – old she had her first job as a doctor secretary.

Nowadays, she is working in Endesa since she was 23 year – old, in the Civil Engineering department as a secretary. 

Isabel was born in Tuxe (Galicia), on September the 8th of 1947. Now she is 68 years – old, married and with two sons and five grandchildren.
She is from a working class family, lived in a small farmer village, in Galicia. Isabel is the oldest of three; her parents had the elementary education. They have worked as farmers of their fields and taking care of their cattle.
Regarding to the education she had; we can share that she went to school from 6 to 14 years old. She went to “the girl’s school” in the village because boys were in another building. She used to help her parents with the land and the animals and she also took care of her little brother.
She went out of the village because she thought that it wasn’t a good life. So, when she was 16, she moved to France. There she studied French and worked as a babysitter of an American’ child. Then she moved to Madrid, she studied the hairdresser trade but she worked for forty years in her own dry cleaner.
Nowadays, she is retired. So, she travels a lot and takes care of her grandchildren.

Thanks, see you in another post.